Treating ADHD + Attention Issues
Get a Diagnosis and Identify the Right Treatment
So many children struggle with attention and hyperactivity it’s difficult to know if it’s normal childhood behavior or symptoms of ADHD. The first response here is never medication. Dr. Davidson's ADHD Center focuses on providing a diagnosis through neuropsychological testing, confirming a diagnosis through qEEG and devising effective, medication free treatments that can include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and neurofeedback.
Although medication is not the first response, Dr. Davidson understands that medication can be necessary in certain cases and works closely with psychiatrists to identify the RIGHT medication. Research has shown significant increases in a psychiatrist’s ability to prescribe the most effective medication through the use of qEEG Brain Scans. Dr. Davidson is happy to consult with any psychiatrist on the results of the qEEGs she conducts and will continue to do so across treatment.
Coordinate with schools and other doctors.